Get Involved in Social Action – Co-Budget!

The social action committee has a great way to help YOU to support YOUR favorite organization! Co-Budget!

CoBudget makes it easy to ask for support of your organization for a specific project or need. And you don’t even have to be on the Social Action Committee; the only requirement to participate is that you are a voting member of the church! Here is a quick summary of how it works:

  • Once you have an account , Social Action Committee puts $50 in your account (the amounts may vary but everyone starts out with the same amount).
  • You propose a project in Co-Budget describing the project and the amount of your request (VERY Easy and we will train you upon request!)
  • People can ask questions or offer their own words of support. Once we agree it is something we want to support, then you can request funding.
  • At that point, everyone can choose whether to donate some of the dollars in their bucket to your cause; and of course you can donate as much of your own virtual bucket as you like.
  • Once your project is funded, then Social Action Committee requests a check and it is sent to your organization. Way to help the World!!

If you are interested in participating or learning more, please reach out to the Social Action Leadership team and we will be glad to help! Please send an email to or catch Ben Galewsky or Pat McClard in the Fellowship Hall after service.