Bathroom Remodel in RE Wing Completed!

From Kate Barton, Director of Facilities

We are excited to report that the Bathrooms in the RE wing are complete. This project has been in the works for 2 years. There are several people who deserve a big thank you for supporting this project.

First, to everyone who contributes to the UUCUC in support of our financial mission. Without the ability to have funds to complete this project it would still be a dark, dingy outdated space. Next to Wendy Graves who continues to champion accessibility for all to have the ability to participate in any way. To Betsy Hunter for assisting in the development of the plans and working with Architectural Expressions, LLP. The RE Staff also deserves a thank you for bearing with us as the renovations were underway and to Michele who helped out when we needed some decisions made. Our last thanks goes to Tim Gibbs of Custom Builders and his crew, they were a pleasure to work with.

Congratulations to all who participated in this much needed update!