Compassion and Choices Movie and Discussion
Come watch a movie featuring Andrew Flack, a 34 year old man from Illinois who relocated to California after college.
Come watch a movie featuring Andrew Flack, a 34 year old man from Illinois who relocated to California after college.
Bring in your used (but in good condition) books and/or magazines to exchange with others after the service next Sunday, October 13.
Shirts are here!
The Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center’s (UCIMC) mission is to foster the creation and distribution of media and art that emphasizes underrepresented voices and perspectives, and to promote empowerment and expression through media and arts education.
Can you help us build a Habitat home, which is being financed by our very own Terry and Barbara England?
On September 29, Rev. Sally’s sermon centered on a mid-Twentieth Century Unitarian minister in Champaign named Philip Schug.
Every month, UUCUC shares 50% of all un-designated (those not given to a specific cause) weekly plate donations to organizations aligned with our values.
On Friday, October 18 at 6:30 in Fellowship Hall, Sage Café will host a discussion on free will.
Thanks to Hospitality Team D members and co leaders, Lynn Wiley and Ursula Reuter Carlson, for providing decorations and snacks and serving as bell ringers, welcomers and ushers for our worship services during the month of September.
There will always be hunger, poverty, war, and disasters in this world. There are times, like right now, when it seems overwhelming! We are exhausted!