Archive: Welcoming Congregation News
- UUs Show Up For C-U Pride Fest 2019! October 3, 2019 - UUs showed up in large numbers to celebrate C-U Pride Fest on Saturday, September 28.
- Celebrate Bisexuality Day! September 18, 2019 - Join in honoring the bisexual members of our congregation and community on September 23, Celebrate Bisexuality Day.
- A Pivotal Event In LGBTQ History June 27, 2019 - The Stonewall Inn riots were a series of spontaneous, violent demonstrations against police raids. This particular raid began the wee hours of June 28, 1969 and lasted 3 days.
- Pulse Night of Remembrance on June 12 June 8, 2019 - Wednesday, June 12th, 2019 is Pulse Night of Remembrance; the 3rd anniversary of the Pulse nightclub massacre in 2016. That morning, a gunman entered the gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, killing 49 people and injuring over 50 more.
- Pronoun Stickers Now Available May 9, 2019 - UUCUC’s Welcoming Congregation and Membership Committees invite you to support respecting people’s pronouns by affixing a “pronoun” sticker to your name badge.
- Lesbian Visibility Day April 25, 2019 - Lesbian Visibility Day, now embedded in the international LGBTQ+ calendar, is a celebration of the world's diverse Sapphic community.
- The Day of Silence April 11, 2019 - The Day of Silence is celebrated on April 12 this year. It’s a student-led observance day to spread awareness about bullying and its effects on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender students.