Annual Report Moves to September

Our Annual Meeting is held the first Sunday of May each year, and with it, an annual report has been produced. In order to have the annual report ready, every church leader had to complete a report for 3/4 of the year. That includes the treasurer, who had to report on the current 3/4 of the fiscal year, but also the missing quarter from the previous year, and the proposed budget for the next year. It’s a bit confusing for everyone.

Rosalyn suggested, as her parting gift to UUCUC, that we create an annual report AFTER the end of the fiscal year. Her brilliant idea is becoming reality. The Annual Report will now be produced by the second Sunday in September, giving our leadership enough time after the end of the fiscal year to complete a report, and Brian (our Office Administrator) time to produce and distribute it to the congregation.

We will still bring all of the important business of the church to our Annual Meeting in May — it’s May 5 this year — and we’ll also hear highlights from the committees. Your Annual Meeting packet will be coming to you by April 25.