Each year in late June the UUA hosts a most wonderful gathering of UUs, an event that attracts a majority of all UU ministers and several thousand lay UU folks. The event runs from breakfast to midnight, Wednesday afternoon through Sunday morning with hundreds of workshops, great music, worship services, displays, meals, reunions and overall one grand party. It is the annual business meeting of the denomination for which ministers and RE directors are voting delegates plus our church has seven lay delegate slots. The location changes each year, with Portland, OR and Boston, MA being favorite sites.
Pre-pandemic it was an in-person event, but in 2020 and 2021 it changed to virtual. This year it will be hybrid, June 22-26, 2022 with some in-person attendees in Portland, OR and many more virtual attendees. I had mixed emotions about the virtual event as I missed the many face-to-face conversations with friends, new and old. Registration fees are too high, being $275 for virtual and $575 for in person. If you are interested in being a delegate this year, please make that interest known to our Chair of the Board of Trustees, Becky Densmore chair(at)uucuc.org. We elect our lay delegates at our annual UUCUC congregational meeting, this year in early June.
A year from now the GA event will be in Pittsburgh, June 21-25, 2023 and I hope, if the pandemic has subsided, to organize a caravan of UUCUC folks to drive to Pittsburgh. In the years before the pandemic we were successful in seeing fifteen or twenty of our members at GA. I have been to a dozen or more General Assemblies and hope to resume that joy if and when conventions are again safe to attend.