Prison life, particularly during the holidays, is isolating, acutely lonely,
and deeply depressing. Many incarcerated persons have lost touch
with family or loved ones while they exist in an abusive, neglectful, and
punitive system. You can make a significant difference in someone’s
life by becoming a prison pen pal—sending letters, cards, and e-
messages to someone in prison. Studies show that an incarcerated
person with connections to the outside world (such as a pen pal), will
be 6 times less likely to reoffend within their first year of release. The
gift of your correspondence will also provide you an education in the
realities of our “criminal injustice” system, beginning with the fact that
the USA has the highest per capita incarceration rate in the world.
Please contact Rev. Allison Farnum, Director of the UUPMI, at to learn more about the CLF (Church of the Larger Fellowship)
Ambassador Program of Illinois pen pal program. Grateful for your
contributions, we provide our “free world” pen pals education,
camaraderie, and ongoing support.
Ambassador Program of Illinois