Information About Donations Of Furniture And Other Items To The Church

From Kate Barton, Director of Facilities

We know that you may want to help us at this difficult time by donations of furniture and other items, and we appreciate the thought, but in general, we would ask you to refrain from this impulse without first talking to church staff. 

We ask this for several reasons: 1) The Church is not currently open and staff are only there for limited hours; 2) We just don’t have a lot of storage room. While you might think something would be perfect for the Church, chances are we don’t have space for it and it may make more work for us, trying to find a place to donate it.

Instead, please consider posting these items on the UUCUC listserv so that others might take it, or donate the item to Salt and Light Ministries located at 1819 Philo Rd. in Urbana.