A Pivotal Event In LGBTQ History

From Jerry Carden

The Stonewall Inn riots were a series of spontaneous, violent demonstrations against police raids. This particular raid began the wee hours of June 28, 1969 and lasted 3 days. The Stonewall, owned by the mafia, was turned into a gay bar in 1966. It had no liquor license but existed because of weekly cash payoffs to police. The bar was a dive. Regular raids were purported to enforce the ‘three piece clothing’ law. A patron had to be wearing at least three pieces that matched their gender. For details on the law:https://www.history.com/news/stonewall-riots-lgbtq-drag-three-article-rule.

The law was used against women dressed as men, and men dressed as women. The Stonewall Inn attracted the most marginalized members of the LGBTQ community. Two drag queens of color, Marsha P Johnson, black, and Sylvia Rivera, Latina, are credited with sparking the revolt. The event is credited as the beginning of the modern gay liberation movement.