Re-envisioning UUCUC’s Religious Education

Date(s) - May 14, 2020
11:00 am - 12:00 pm


The future is unsure. And yet, we still have wishes and dreams. You are invited to a religious education dream session on Thursday, May 14th 11:00 AM.

At this session, we will:

  • Honor and hold the fact that there is much we do not know.
  • Talk about why religious education and learning is important for all ages
  • Hold space for our wishes and dreams. What are our hopes?

The idea is to begin the conversation. From this meeting, a small group will continue the conversation so that we can frame UUCUC’s lifespan religious for summer and fall. Your voice is important. Even if you do not have anything to say, your presence is valued. Join us for this online community conversation.

Email Michele Grove to RSVP and get the online access information. You can email her at or call/text 605-237-1319.