Date(s) - March 11, 2020
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Unitarian Universalist Church of Urbana Champaign - Children's Chapel
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Participants are asked to:
- Purchase and read chapters weekly from Mark Williams’s book, Mindfulness: Finding Peace in a Frantic World. UUCUC has several copies you can borrow. Email Michele at to reserve your copy.
- Attend all or most classes because each class builds on the previous class. We understand that things come up and participants do sometimes miss some classes.
- Practice daily with MP3 mindfulness audios. If you don’t have access to a smart phone, tablet, or computer to listen to the daily MP3 audios, please email Christopher Menard
- To register, send an email to:
- For the first class, please prepare by reading the forward,chapters 1 and 2 in Mindfulness: Finding Peace in a Frantic World
This 10-week class is an adaptation of the University of Illinois Psychology Department’s Mindfulness Training (MT) curriculum ( Dave Sharpe and Laura Haber have recently been trained as mindfulness instructors and will assist Dr. Christopher Menard in leading this class. While the class is largely experiential in nature (guided mindfulness exercises and discussion), it is also important to read assigned chapters each week to gain a conceptual understanding of what is being experienced. Participants are provided guided mindfulness audios (8 – 24 minutes/day) to use daily between our weekly classes to build their mindfulness muscles. If you have questions or to register, email Christopher Menard at