Ministry Together, Toward Beloved Community

Rev. Caplow will be sharing the pulpit this Sunday with Rev. David Pyle, the new Lead for the Mid-America Region (UU churches in 13 states) of the Unitarian Universalist Association. He served as a minister for congregations in California, Michigan, and Illinois, before joining the UUA as a Congregational Life Consultant. On this MLK Day Sunday, Rev. Caplow and Rev. Pyle will be giving a “sermon in dialogue” reflecting on this moment in history and what our own vital and growing congregation is called to as we deepen our commitments to each other and to the world, as well as the creative possibilities in becoming a multi-minister church. The choir will be singing a glorious choral piece based on a poem by Langston Hughes.

After the service there will be a Q&A with Rev. Pyle, Rev. Caplow, and leaders of the UUCUC Board about the next steps in ministry for UUCUC. Come with your questions about multi-minister churches, church growth, Associate Ministers, the role of the Senior Minister when there is an Associate, fundraising ideas, or anything else you might like to ask!