Early registration is now available, with a significant discount, and ends on January 31. The registration form allows a person to pay more to cover scholarships for those from our congregation or community, or to request a scholarship. If you cannot pay the minimum $50 fee for the scholarship rate, please contact Rev. Caplow. Our intention is that all who wish to go on this trip will be able to go, regardless of financial means. If you are not planning to go on the trip, you can still make a donation to the Living Legacy Project Future Fund and it will be used to cover scholarships.
We encourage all who are interested in going on the trip to register SOON (the trip will be cancelled if we do not have the minimum number by January 31), and please feel free to share this information or the promotional flyer with anyone in the community who may be interested in joining us!
If you have any questions about the event, please reach out to Rev.Florence Caplow.