We will have Christmas Eve services at 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. The 5:00 p.m. service will have “lessons and carols,” and the 7:00 p.m. service will have contemporary readings and more carols.
All choirs will be singing, and both services will end with a candlelit “Silent Night,” followed by refreshments in Fellowship Hall. You are welcome to bring cookies to share. Childcare will be provided.
Thank you to the wonderful volunteers who are assisting with the Christmas Eve services!
5:00 p.m. service
- Ushers: Cindy Ingold, Mona Shannon, Chris & Gabriel Menard
- BellRinger: Mick McEnroe
- Welcomers: Charlie Boast & Jocelyn Karsk
- Snacks: Members & Friends
- Clean Up: Gail Cohen, Jocelyn Karsk & Mona Shannon
7:00 p.m. service
- Ushers: McDermott Family
- BellRinger: Ursula Reuter-Carlson
- Welcomers: Lynn Kelly, Charlie Boast, Ursula Reuter Carlson & Chris Carlson
- Snacks: Members & Friends
- Clean Up: Sylvia & Brian McDermott, Peggy Patten, Todd Kinney, Sam Beshers & Lynn Wiley