Our 2019-2020 Pledge Campaign ends tomorrow

If you are a Member or a Friend of UUCUC, you received a “pledge packet” in the mail or via email in the last month, or you might have picked up your pledge packet in Fellowship Hall.

Tomorrow is the day we hope you will return those packets.

If you didn’t receive a packet, or even if you haven’t pledged before, we welcome your pledge for the coming year.

Every donation is appreciated. There are blank pledge packets available in Fellowship Hall, or you can click on the link below.

Your pledges for the next church year beginning July 1 will help us enact our big dreams…

  • for justice outreach into the community
  • expanding our hospitality and programs
  • taking care of our beautiful historic building
  • and retaining our dedicated staff.

This is an exciting time, and your support makes our shared dreams possible!

If you would like to pledge online instead, you can go to this link:
Online Pledge Form