Exciting News for Shared Offering 2025!

Nominate your organization HERE!

Every month, UUCUC shares 50% of all un-designated (those not given to a specific cause) weekly plate donations to organizations aligned with our values.  Each year, the congregation selects 11 organizations, one for each month; with December always dedicated to our partner churches.  

Shared offering is one of the most significant sources of financial support that UUCUC provides to our community and one which all members and friends of the church are welcome to participate in.  Any member or friend may nominate an organization to receive the shared offering next year. 

THIS YEAR includes some exciting changes to the nomination and voting process!  The first change is that we will fully include our youth in the nomination AND voting process this year!  This year’s nomination and voting process will include all kids from 1st grade and up.  They can not only nominate organizations, but they will be able to vote on them as well!  Our wonderful REE staff and volunteers will be talking about the shared offering process in classes leading up to the vote culminating in each class nominating an organization of their choosing.  And of course, each child will be able to cast a vote for the organizations they would like to see UUCUC support in 2025.  

The second big change to the voting process is that we will have a potluck lunch in conjunction with the voting process this year!  We hope to have many more people participate with the added attraction of delicious food along with making the decision about where we share financial support in our communities.

Each organization chosen will be featured for one month during 2025 and will receive half of the money contributed in undesignated collections during the Sunday service for that month. We are looking for organizations in alignment with our UU values. They can be local, state, national, or international. These organizations should be ones you know and support, but not ones that you personally run or that employ you.

Organizations that received the shared offering this year cannot receive it again next year. The organizations supported this year include:

The deadline for submitting a nomination is Friday, November 15, 2024.

On Sunday, November 17 at 11:45 A.M., we will meet in fellowship hall to select the organizations we will support. There will be brief presentations by the nominators and all interested members and friends are invited to attend, eat and vote!

The nomination form is NOW LIVE.  You can submit your nomination by clicking here!