Your Search Team is overjoyed to report that we have made a successful match with a candidate to be our settled minister!  This happy event comes as the culmination of many months of work and reflection by the Search Team, but also by our wonderful congregation.  More than one candidate spoke to us of how impressed they were with the level of congregational participation that they saw in our materials.

The next big step in this process occurs this Sunday when we will present a video introduction to the candidate.  After that, we will gear up for Candidating Week, which will be from April 23rd through April 30th.  The candidate will deliver the service on the 23rd, and will then spend the week introducing themselves to all of us in a variety of small- and large-group gatherings.  These will include open forums in person and on Zoom, as well as a number of more focused gatherings with different groups in the church.  If you are a member of one of our many Councils, be on the lookout for an email from your council leader with details about when and where your group’s meeting with the candidate will be.

Candidating Week and the entire Search process will come to their climax on Sunday, April 30th.  The candidate will again deliver the service, and immediately afterward the congregation will vote to call them as our next settled lead minister.  Please mark this important date in your calendar to ensure full congregational participation in this vote.

We will be providing much more specific information in the coming days as we are able to settle the schedule for Candidating Week; be on the lookout for updates as it is finalized.  And, in the meantime, please feel free to contact us at with any questions.