What Is Church?

What is Church?

What does Church connote for you?

Do you seek a spiritual safe haven with like minded others whose values and priorities about “the worth and dignity of every person” resonate with yours?

Or perhaps do you hope to be intellectually challenged and informed from perspectives and viewpoints different from your own out of “a free and responsible search for truth and meaning”?

How can we navigate the tension caused between these and other seemingly juxtapositional expectations of Church?

The Interim time is a time to ask such questions.

On Sunday March 5th at our 10:15 am service our interim lead minister Reverend Karen Bush will both encourage and challenge us as together we take a closer look at this ongoing conundrum.

This will be a fully intergenerational service and all ages are upstairs in the sanctuary this Sunday. Members of the whole family are invited to remain throughout the service. The nursery will be open.

We hope you will join us!