Six Hospitality Teams support our weekly Sunday morning worship and fellowship. Each Hospitality Team has two leaders who schedule their Team volunteers for welcoming, ushering, providing decorations and snacks each Sunday morning. We thank the outgoing Team Leaders (ones stepping down after years of service). They include: Linda Collinsworth, Sandy Finnerty, Kelly Halcom, Lara Breeze-Troyer and Anne Sharpe who has been a Team Leader since the Hospitality Teams started over 7 years ago!
We thank the new, incoming Team Leaders who will be leading our Teams this coming church year. They include: Julie Laut, Ursula Reuter-Carlson, Abrita Charkravarty, Eileen Borgia and Barbara Hudgings.
Finally, we thank the returning Team Leaders who will continue in their Hospitality Team leadership roles this coming year. They include: Pam Richart, Cathy Cunningham, Emily Laugesen, Wendy Graves, Pat Feely, Lynn Wiley, and Julia Freeman.
If you have questions about joining a Hospitality Team (or wish to find out which Team you are already on), contact Peggy Patten: mspeggypatten(at)