Unity for Ukraine Benefit Concert

Good morning! 

My name is Jennifer Payan and I am part of a community committee who is organizing a benefit concert to help the people of Ukraine. It is called “Unity for Ukraine” and will be held on Friday, August 5, 2022, at 7pm at Meadowbrook Church in Champaign. Tim Pico is heading up the committee as he has felt it on his heart that our local community should do something that would help the Ukrainian people who have been affected by this war. You may have already been contacted by someone in the committee, and if this is the case thank you for your assistance! 

We have partnered with Mission Eurasia, which is a nonprofit organization, who already have people and contacts in Ukraine. Our goal for the benefit concert is to fund as many ICARE packages as we can. One ICARE package can feed a family of four for one week and costs around $50. This package also includes Scriptures in Ukrainian and printed resources. There is no set admissions fee for the concert. We are only asking for donations. 

This is where you come in. We are reaching out to pastors and churches in our community to help us spread the word about the event! If you could take a few moments and maybe include this in your announcements portion of your service, or add it to a program or bulletin that you produce, or have a special prayer time or offering to help, that would be wonderful! I have attached a flyer for the event that can be printed, shared or posted. Below are the websites for the event itself, information on how to donate online, and Mission Eurasia’s website: https://organizationweb.wixsite.com/unityforukraine , www.missioneurasia.org 

You can also visit Mission Eurasia’s YouTube channel to view videos that can be shown during a service to explain their mission and what impact the ICARE boxes have for families. Just search “Mission Eurasia”. 

Thank you for your time, your help, and your prayers! 

“Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will repay him for his deed.” Proverbs 19:17 Jennifer Payan