Congregational Conversations About Covid This Past Weekend

During the weekend of November 6, 2021, UUCUC’s Covid Advisory Group held two highly successful congregational conversations about Covid and our church’s re-opening hopes and plans.

A large turnout of UUCUC members participated Saturday on Zoom and Sunday after worship. A wealth of information was shared, after which small groups were formed to flesh out church members’ questions, hopes and concerns which were then shared with the larger body.

Many perspectives were offered, and we heard a strong desire to return to the building as soon as it is feasible. There was also a general understanding and compassion about the realities that are making that difficult. The caring and respectful way church members shared with and listened to one another is deeply appreciated.

The Covid Advisory Group hears you, and will process all that was shared as they, along with the BoT and church staff and others, help UUCUC find the way forward.

More information will be coming in the weeks ahead.

Fer further information, including information about the Plan for Hybrid Sunday Services, please refer to the COVID-19 Virus Updates and Resources page on our website.