From Rev KB
Every week on Facebook I post a photo of the flowers my spouse brings home from the Urbana Farmers Market along with a dedication from my heart and spirit. I would like to share one with you, my new family. Here is this week’s dedication:
“This week’s flowers I dedicate to the Kids… To children on our planet at this time in human history with the violent threat of Covid at every turn and the dooms day declarations of a dying planet on the horizon of their future…
To every teen cut off from the countless bits of magic and struggle of adolescence… a time of life which is meant to be full of new visions of possibilities pushing painfully against their insecurities like a baby chick tapping at its prison shell…
To every preteen who is missing any part the last bloom of childhood’s playful innocence…whose days are meant to be romping free with friends… oblivious of what changes and endings And beginnings…just around the bend …
To every little one… whose isolated days are full of screens and masks and frightened parents and anxious teachers in hushed often stressed tones rather than play dates and soccer practice… giggles with friends blowing bubbles in their milk at lunch time and running, running, always running with joy and excitement Just Because they can… like a frisky foal kicking and scampering across a sunlit meadow to its relaxed grazing mother …
To every baby who is awakening to a world without smiles and hugs and kisses of welcome by all…especially from other babies…. Held tightly apart from the world in sequestered nunneries … safe and unexposed …Especially to the babies. For this is all they know.
For all their resilience…. None the less…..
I dedicate these flowers to the earth’s children… through the long dark years of Covid …”
❤️ Rev. KB”