Why Do We CROP Walk?

From Sandy Hannum

The acronym CROP stands for Communities Responding to Overcome Poverty. I love the concept of communities responding to help people in need, even if the ultimate goal of overcoming poverty seems impossible. Putting in a passionate, caring effort is what makes a real community.

Those who are able to help with CROP Walk will find it gratifying, since it provides support to local agencies Daily Bread Soup Kitchen, Eastern Illinois Food Bank, Sola Gratia Farm, and Wesley Food Pantry, as well as relief to global disaster victims.

The UU Walkers have an awesome team working on CROP Walk this year! So far we are: Jerry Carden, Jennifer Greene, Sandy Hannum, Marcy Joncich, Peggy Patten, Jean Peters, Mary Kay Solecki, and Tim Temple. We would love to have you join us!

Go to this website to join the UU Walkers team, or make a donation in support of the team.