“Soul Matters” Small Group Ministry 2021-22

Sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0D4EABA928A3FEC52-soul

If you are looking for a way to meet people and stay connected despite the distance of virtual worship, this is it!

“Soul Matters” small groups meet monthly (and some meet more frequently) to check in with each other, listen deeply, and discuss the materials provided. Materials contain poetry, questions, essays, spiritual exercises, and more, all centered around specific monthly themes.

Take a look at the many Soul Matters groups that are forming for the coming church year, and sign yourself up if you are interested. Be sure to read all the way to the bottom of the list, where we have two unique offerings of Soul Matters groups with a special focus.

If you are uncertain about your preferences or availability, no worries! Just email Rev. Sally (associate-minister@uucuc.org) and she will work with you to figure out where you might fit.