When we introduced Sage Café, the monthly discussion group, in September 2023, we asked:
• Are there times you wish you could have a deeper discussion about the important questions in your life?
• Do you wonder if your thoughts about philosophical matters are shared by your friends and loved ones?
• Have you found that sometimes your concerns about existential issues become clearer when you hear how others deal with them?
We said then that we too thought about those questions and were ready to engage deeply with members of our congregational family and friends. We promised that we wouldn’t be debating, or challenging, or proselytizing. There will be no right or wrong answers or ideas. We’d simply share our experience, curiosity, compassion, and respect.
At our first Sage Café, we discussed “What is justice?” Earlier this month, our topic was “When the goal is equity, how do we ensure everyone gets the right-sized ladder?” These questions and all the ones in between have produced engaging conversations and have led to deeper consideration of crucial themes in our congregation.
Going forward, we plan to add more personal questions to the list of social justice themes we address. For example, some future questions will be “Do we really have free will?”, “Can we ever truly think from someone else’s perspective?”, and “How do we build trust?”.
Please plan to join us on Friday, September 20, at 6:30 in Fellowship Hall for our first anniversary discussion. We’ll consider, “How might your ideas about your own sex and gender be different if you were born in a different generation?” A fitting topic for Pride Fest 2024!