Generosity at UUCUC

What an amazing friend you are! The Board of Trustees wishes to expressly thank each and every
pledger for your incredible generosity!  The dollars you pledge now allow our Board and Finance
committee to plan what we will have to spend on staff, building, programs, and social action from July
2023 through June 2024 (the coming church fiscal year). Your leadership in generosity contributes to
the long-standing success of our faith community and makes us an ever-increasing congregation of
rainmakers and supporters lifting our voices to stand on the side of justice.

Giving to others is such a joy. Whether we are able to promise to give a few hundred or thousands of
dollars, each and every commitment to our church is deeply appreciated as this is what enables us to
move our mission forward.  Every member of your Board of Trustees recently affirmed our annual
pledge commitments to the coming church year. Partnering in movements that change the lives of
individuals and enrich our community is so satisfying and speaks to the heart of who we are. 
Our financial gifts do remarkable things when they are transformed into ministry and mission by
ministers, staff, and volunteers.  The Board is especially proud of the work of our Councils. From
operations to high-quality religious education, to membership and social action, to deeply moving
Sunday services, we create a community for everyone. Your pledges of financial support for the coming
year will fund a ministerial team and staff that nourishes our spirit, supports our mission, and is simply
second to none.

So thank you! If you’ve not had a chance to do so, there is still time to get your pledge submitted so that
you too can be a financial helper in supporting UUCUC! For questions, information, or assistance please
contact either or